Heat treated alloy steelEnds fitted with Crosby A-330 Quenched and Tempered alloy clevis grab hookFinish – Self colouredMeets or exceeds requirements of US DOT FMCSA Part 393 Subpart I.
Forged Steel - Quenched & TemperedFatigue rated at 1 1/2 times the Working Load Limit at 20,000 cycles. Traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26Recommended for in-line pullM-279 metric threadedMeets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductilit , design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these bolts meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life, impact properties and material
Forged Steel - Quenched & TemperedFatigue rated at 1 1/2 times the Working Load Limit at 20,000 cycles. Traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26Recommended for in-line pullM-279 metric threadedMeets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductilit , design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these bolts meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life, impact properties and material
Upgraded for use with Grades 70, 80 and 100 ChainUtilizes standard Crosby A-323 Alloy Eye Grab HooksNew design 'one piece' forged handleContinuous take-up feature provides finite adjustment to tie down loadOne piece assembly, no bolts or nuts to loosenRatchet spring is rust proofedAll load bearing or holding parts forgedEasy operating positive ratchetBinders shown with Proof Loads have been individually proof tested to values shown, prior to shipmentMeets or exceeds requirements of US DOT FMCSA Part 393 Subpart I.
Upgraded for use with Grades 70, 80 and 100 ChainUtilizes standard Crosby A-323 Alloy Eye Grab HooksNew design 'one piece' forged handleContinuous take-up feature provides finite adjustment to tie down loadOne piece assembly, no bolts or nuts to loosenRatchet spring is rust proofedAll load bearing or holding parts forgedEasy operating positive ratchetBinders shown with Proof Loads have been individually proof tested to values shown, prior to shipmentMeets or exceeds requirements of US DOT FMCSA Part 393 Subpart I.
Extra heavy construction at leverage point to prevent spreading. Heel of binder toggles away from load, permitting easy release.Ball and socket swivel joints at hook assemblies permit a straight line pull. Binders shown with Proof Loads have been individually proof tested to values shown, prior to shipmentMeets or exceeds requirements of US DOT FMCSA Part 393 Subpart I.
Extra heavy construction at leverage point to prevent spreading. Heel of binder toggles away from load, permitting easy release.Ball and socket swivel joints at hook assemblies permit a straight line pull. Binders shown with Proof Loads have been individually proof tested to values shown, prior to shipmentMeets or exceeds requirements of US DOT FMCSA Part 393 Subpart I.