1. Find what you need faster

The new search refines your selection the more detail you enter. It allows you to search by Sparex part number, Manufacturer’s part number, Product Description and Third Party part number. If we have superseded a part number it will also give you the details of the new alternative.

2. Focus on the parts you need with the new Make / Model tab

You can search for parts for a specific Manufacturer and/or Model using the Make / Model tab. Start your search by either the Manufacturer or Model that you are looking for. Once selected your product search is filtered to parts that apply to that Manufacturer and/or Model.

3. Refine your search using product attribute data

We have added product attribute data to the website. Therefore, if you know a little more detail on the product that you are searching for e.g. dimension data, voltage etc. you can narrow your search using the ‘Refine By’ option.

4. Rich product data and detailed product images

Once you have found the product you are looking for, you will see details on product attributes, tractor make / model compatibility, manufacturer’s part numbers, links to where the product has appeared in our printed catalogues and other supporting technical data.

5. Instant stock availability and dispatch lead time

Our stock position is updated every 30 minutes and as a logged in user you can see the quantity available and the fastest possible lead time.

6. Use Stock Watch to track when out of stock parts become available

If a product is not in stock, you can request to be automatically sent an email when that product comes back into stock. You can manage your Stock Watch product list in the My Account area.

7. Access your prices in Sterling, US Dollars or Euros, and see the latest promotions

When you log on to the website, you will see the price you pay plus any current special offers.

8. Quick and simple to place large orders

If you already know what you need, use the Order Pad function to either quickly type in your requirement, or copy and paste a large order from an excel file directly into the order pad. Both options will validate your product selection.

9. Access to latest offers using Promotion Codes

Look out for the latest Promotion Codes from Sparex. These will give you access to additional offers and great deals only available when you order online.

10. Single page checkout making it quick and easy to order

Ordering online is now even easier and faster with our new single page checkout. Set your delivery address and delivery option and review your order all in one simple page.

11. Visibility and online management of your back orders

Go to the My Account area and you will be able to see any items that you have ordered and not yet received along with an estimated availability time. You are also able to request for selected lines to be cancelled if you no longer require them.

12. Easy access to your invoices and credit notes

Go to the My Account area to view, save or print any of your old invoices or credit notes from the last 12 months.